Riesenmonster zerstören die Stadt!!!

Art, Simon Says

Robzilla & Simotron:

dies ist ein Aufruf an euch! Kommt und macht mit!

Wir haben selbst nur den Hauch einer Ahnug, was aus der ganzen Nummer wird, aber ihr seid eingeladen, mitzumachen, damit wir am Ende alle sagen können: „wir waren dabei!“

Wir haben die Halle vom 8.-21. Oktober. Innerhalb dieser Zeit wird die Stadt gebaut und von RIESIGEN MONSTERN ZERSTOERT!

Wir haben so gut wie kein Budget, aber einen Haufen Ideen. Material finden wir eh. Und dann bauen wir die Halle voll. Immersive Lofi-Multimedia- Themenparkinstallations-build-a-thon mit Live-Soundtrack und Internetstreaming oder so.
Es wird Circuit bending- und Trashhacking-Workshops geben, und wir werden uns mit Kostümbau, Architektur, Geschichtenerzählen, Videodings und Medienzeug, Stadtentwicklung, Filmemachen, politischen Hintergründen, Performanz und allem was auch immer noch ein- und gefällt, beschäftigen.


Meldet euch:


Die ganze Nummer findet im Rahmen und mit Unterstützung des Ostlichter-Stadtteilkulturfestival statt.

Robzilla & Simotron:

This is an open call! Come an join us!

We only have the faintest idea ourselves what’s gonna happen, but you’re invited to join us to make this a thing none of us will ever forget!

We have the Warehouse from 8 – 21 of October. Within this timeframe, the city will be built and DESTROYED BY GIANT MONSTERS!
We have next to no budget, But we have LOTS of ideas. Material can be found everywhere anyway. And then we fill up the whole space. Immersive Lofi-Multimedia-Themepark-installation-build-a-thon with Live-Soundtrack and Streaming or so.
There will be Circuit bending- and Trashhacking-Workshops! We’ll make crazy monster costumes, deal with architecture, Storytelling, Videothing and Mediastuff, Urban awareness, Filmmaking, political background, Performance and everything we can think of and actually realise.


Please let us know if you’re interested

  1. – 21. Oktober | Kontor80 | Torgauer Str.80

Part of the Ostlichter-Stadtteilkulturfestival

2014: lots to do

Art, Gigs, Random, Simon Says

So here’s my stuff for the new year:
My new years eve has been great thanks to the wonderful people I was surrounded with.

2014 will be a year of many things.

There are some things in the near future that I would like to announce:

First of all: I am going to spend my february doing a residency with Rob Bellman at the Platform 1 gallery at the Wandsworth Common Train Station. He keeps bombarding me with his ideas and I have a few of my own plans, so this will be quite something.

This will also be one of my last big moves in London before I leave for good. Which I am planning to do some time around March. It has been an inspiring and exciting place to live in, but our relationship has been a bit strained in the last year, So I’m looking forward to some change in my life. I’ve met quite a few very lovely people around here whom I would like to meet again before I leave. I’m sure that’s gonna happen in some way or another.
I guess the very last Big Thing is gonna be an event that I want to organise at some point to pay respect to this wonderful city and I will let you know in time when and where it’s gonna happen.

Apart from that, I realised that released something like an ‚Album‘ is quite a while ago. I need to get some of that shit out!

There’s quite a bit of chiptune material as well as some other random recordings that neeed to go out. I definitely want to record at least one noise Album and the pop album has also been on the list for ages.

Also, I’m making all these funky gif animations that I want to present in one way or another at some point and blablabla…

Yeah, lots to do.

I’m looking forward to this year.

Gazillion Gazebo Video

Art, Simon Says

Here’s some documentation of the Gazillion Gazebo project. It was a lot fun, even if I expected to freeze off a toe or my arse or something…

Anyways, here it is, and with it a big thank you to the great people of LICHTER Streetview, The Frankfurter Verein für Künstlerhilfe for saving the project financially and Heike for filming. And of course to everyone who was there for being there!


Art, circuit bending, Gear, Simon Says, video

A while ago, I scanned the videoprints I’ve done during live av performances around 2008-2009. I made them with a printer that connects directtly to a composite video input, which was plugged into the output of my video mixer. Since doing live video is more or less my way of painting (not entirely true: I’m currently making the weirdest paintings, but they’re not quite ready to be published, yet), these are probably the closest things to static paintings I’ve made. At least around that time. There are 74 prints, some of which have been collaborations with Eva Becker.

Of course, with 74 prints, not all of them can be of the same quality, still I like most of them a lot.

Here’s a few of my favourites in no particular order:

I might upload more of them as soon as I have built a proper project page for them.

Gazillion Gazebo Aufruf!

Art, Simon Says

Liebe Frankfurter/Offenbacher/Umfeldianer,

Lichter Streetview

Ich wurde von Lichter Streetview eingeladen, am 22.-23. 3. in der Frankfurter Innenstadt eine neue Performance/Intervention mit dem Namen ‚Gazillion Gazebo‘ zu präsentieren:

An audio-visal live performance/installation loosely based on the overflow of information encountered in an urban environment. Operating a laboratory of Warstware (circuit bent video and sound equipment), Simon Schäfer alias der Warst transforms a customary gazebo into both an immersive environment and a vibrant public sculpture.

Leider haben sich jetzt Probleme ergeben, die es den Lichterleuten leider nicht ermöglichen, mir die erforderliche Technik zur Verfügung zu stellen. Das ist ärgerlich, ich fände es allerdings sehr schade, wenn dadurch die ganze Sache ins Wasser fallen müsste. Also ist DIY angesagt.

Ich brauche für die Realisation des Projektes folgendes:

  • 3 Videoprojektoren, die auf möglichst kurze Distanz ein möglichst großes Bild erzeugen
  • Einen 3×3 Meter großen Gartenpavillon mit 3 Seitenwänden
  • Irgendeine Anlage für den Sound. Muß nix großes sein, weil die Stadt sich sowieso mal wieder lautstärketechnisch ins Höschen macht.

Wenn ihr irgend etwas von der obigen Liste habt, das ich für zwei Nächte ausleihen kann oder irgend jemanden wisst, der mir hier weiterhelfen könnte, möchte ich euch bitten, mir so schnell wie möglich bescheid zu sagen.

Videophone growing

Art, circuit bending, Simon Says, video

I finally managed to upload some stuff I recorded with the Videophone (which now also has it’s final name, yay). I’m still building on it like crazy, so there’s lots more to come.

Here’s also a picture of its last stage (it already looks different again, but I am way slower with documenting than I am with building.


I am currently building the screen to the left inside the housing.

Here’s two recordings I’ve made. More to come, soon.