This was the first Demented Reality-Device I built. I first had the idea of videogoggles, showing a different picture for each eye around 2008 – 2009, when I became more invested in messing about with video hardware.
Thinking for years how to build this and being for the most part too broke and lazy for actually building it, at some point I went for a dirty version, cobbled together from the screen of a rear-mirror dashcam and a cheap VR-housing for smart mobile phones. On your left eye, you see a pretty wide-angle view of what’s going on in front of you, while your right eye hangs on a looooooooong cable so you can hold it in your hand or give it to your mates.
The image of the second camera is also mirrored and has a zoom factor, just to spice things up a little. It’s an interesting experience.