Unterkante Oberstübchen Flyer

29.8. – 5.9. Unterkante Oberstübchen @ Kontor80

Art, circuit bending, musik, Random, Simon Says, video, Workshop

Liebe Freunde,

Ich möchte euch herzlich zu meiner kommenden Ausstellung Unterkante Oberstübchen einladen, die vom 28.8. bis zum 5.9. in der großen Halle des Kontor80 in Leipzig zu erleben sein wird.

Neben anderen Entwicklungen in meinem Leben war der Einzug in ein größeres Atelier vor ungefähr einem halben Jahr war ein großes Ereignis für mich und meine Kunst. Eine Menge neuer Arbeiten sind seitdem entstanden, ältere sind wieder zum Vorschein gekommen, alle förmlich danach schreiend, erlebt zu werden. Um meine wiedererwachte Freude am kreativen Schaffen gebührend zu feiern, und gleichzeitig die damit verbundenen Prozesse offenzulegen und zu kommunizieren, habe ich entschieden, eine Ausstellung zu organisieren, die etwas anders funktioniert:

Unterkante Oberstübchen
Antistatische Aktionstage

Auf Bruch Donnerstag, 29.8.2024 18 Uhr

Ich stülpe mein Atelier nach außen: Kunst von damals bis heute, Angefangenes, Material, Werkzeug. Alles ist da, aber wo soll es hin? Das Publikum ist eingeladen, dem Entstehen eines fantastischen Raums beizuwohnen, mitzubauen, und eigene spontane Werke hinzuzufügen.

Um Bau Samstag, 31.8.2024 18 Uhr

Alles darf nochmal woanders hin, anders gesehen, direkter erfahren werden, ergänzt, ersetzt oder neu kombiniert. Möglicherweise sollten noch ganz viele ganz neue Dinge entstehen.

Voll Endung Donnerstag, 5.9.2024 18 Uhr

Für ein paar Geistesblitze in letzter Sekunde ist noch Zeit, dann wird alles wieder eingepackt. Wir erleben und verursachen die spektakuläre Auflösung des Spektakels, zurück zur leeren Halle. Ausmisten. Die einen Sachen bleiben bei mir, die anderen gehen mit euch.

Ausstellung/Werkstatt offen mit weniger Bewegung Freitag, Sonntag, Dienstag offen von 16 bis 20 Uhr.

Kontor80, Leipzig

Unterkante Oberstübchen ist Teil des Ostlichter-Festivals

www.schaefersimon.de | @simolch_warst | @derWarst

Dear Friends,

I would like to invite you to my upcoming exhibition Unterkante Oberstübchen, which will happen from 28.8. to 5.9. in the great hall of Kontor80 in Leipzig.

Among other developments in my life, moving into a larger studio about half a year ago was a big event for me and my art. A lot of new works have been created since then, older ones have resurfaced, all literally screaming to be experienced. In order to celebrate my reawakened joy in creative creation, and at the same time to expose and communicate the processes involved, I have decided to organize an exhibition that works a little differently:

Unterkante Oberstübchen
Antistatic Actiondays

Auf Bruch Thursday, 29/8/2024 6 PM

I turn my studio inside out: art from then to now, unfinished stuff, material, tools. Everything’s there, but where should it go? The audience is invited to witness the emergence of a fantastic space, to help building it, to spontaneously create new works to be added to the show.

Um Bau Saturday, 31/8/2024 6 PM

Everything can to go to a new place, to be seen differently, experienced more directly, be replaced or combined anew. Maybe a whole lot of new pieces will be made.

Voll Endung Thursday, 5/9/2024 6 PM

There is still time for a few flashes of inspiration at the last second, then everything gets packed up again. We experience and cause the spectacular dissolution of the spectacle, back to an empty hall. Decluttering. Some things stay with me, others go with you.

Show/Workshop open with less movement Friday, Sunday, Tuesday 4-8 p.m.

Kontor80, Leipzig

Unterkante Oberstübchen is part of the Ostlichter-Festival

www.schaefersimon.de | @simolch_warst | @derWarst

Semifunktional @ Salon Similde

Simon Says

Meine Anfang des Jahres abgesagte Ausstellung „Semifunktional“ findet jetzt am Donnerstag, den 10. September im Salon Similde in der Simildenstraße 9 in Leipzig Connewitz. Hierzu möchte ich herzlich einladen.

Da der Raum sehr klein ist , müssen wir wohl hauptsächlich draußen rumhängen. Also bringt bitte Masken und entsprechende Kleidung mit.

Night shift revisited

Simon Says

It’s been close to a year now since I had the Night Shift show at Simon Oldfield Gallery. Yesterday, I was surprised in a very very nice way by Rebecca Helen Page, who has filmed bits of the performance I’ve done there and uploaded them to Vimeo.

It was quite a noisy performance with very weird sound and I had very short hair at that time.

The desk I had my instruments on was absolutely gorgeous. It felt like my own private TARDIS.


Thanks a lot Rebecca.


Simon Says

Night Shift

Katy Kirbach & Simon Schäfer

Private View
7 September 2011, 18.30 — 20.30

Exhibition continues to
28 September 2011

Night Shift explores the relationship between painting, sculpture and performance with new work by Simon Schäfer and Katy Kirbach.  

The exhibition examines the tension between the handmade and ready-made; multiplicity and uniqueness; live event and still object; the diurnal and nocturnal.  Night Shift is visually and aurally layered with texture, sound, digital feeds, colour and analogue electronics. 

RSVP ART@SIMONOLDFIELD.COM +44 (0)20 7395 3701



Simon Says

Opening reception

Saturday 2nd July 2011 6.00 – 9.00pm

Exhibition runs:

3rd July – 24th July 2011 12.00 noon – 6.00pm

or by appointment

Closing event:

Saturday 23rd July 7.00 – 11.00pm

Artists music event, artists TBC

KNOWHOW – Curated by Ben Newton

To acquire knowhow is to gain the practical skills or intelligence necessary to get something specific done. This is tacit knowledge in the sense that it can be withheld and kept confidential. It may also be difficult to transfer without practical instruction and the required cognitive faculty in the beholder. In the artist this skill has traditionally revealed itself as craft.

Since the dawn of the Readymade, craft in Art has continually been brought into question, and as a result any preconception of a definitive Artistic Knowhow has been blurred or expanded to involve a myriad of scenarios or conditions.

Knowhow aims not necessarily to pin down a definition of the word but to ask the artists to delve into their own practice or maybe push themselves beyond their normal bounds of proficiency. This might manifest itself in a cathartic exploration of an unknown craft, an engagement with a ‚knowing‘ failure or even through the use of prosthetic labour which utilises the employment of non-artistic intervention.

KNOWHOW is a curatorial project by Ben Newton in collaboration with Campbell Works

Campbell Works

27 Belfast Road

London N16 6UN

0044(0)20 8806 0817

