This is a Test… test… test…
Blog, Simon Says, WebsiteAfter another day-long session of hawoinhfpnwöpiJDW, I finally added Multilanguage support to this here website. Since I can’t really be arsed to translate all of my blogposts, I think I’m gonna concentrate on the Bio/CV and Project pages and keep the blog as a random mixture of German and English and occasionally Ökhpealihfajerl. I’ve already translated a few Projects, but it’s probably going to take a while until everything is there in both English and German.
Since the lockdown keeps on going, I’m pretty sure I’ll get there eventually.
Here’s an unrelated picture:

Random, Simon Says, Website
Warstware official
circuit bending, Gear, Simon Says, WebsiteI decided to make the Warstware site, documenting my endeavours in circuit bending and machine hackery, official. It’s still far from complete and quite messy because I’m slowly getting out of hibernation and projects are piling up, but in my opinion, it’s too nice to keep informal for very much longer. Comments and productive criticism are appreciated.
Here we go:
Simon Says, Websiteatmer.
99% Browsercompatibility!!!!
Random, Simon Says, WebsiteAfter another day and night’s work I can now proudly announce that pretty much everything on this website is working on all browsers I’ve tested it with, which are pretty much most major browsers out there!
So, yeah, whether you’re using Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Konqueror or whatever, the site looks pretty much the same, and that is: gorgeous! (in my not so humble opinion)
Internet explorer still has some issues with the menue’s opacity, but that’s because it doesn’t allow any opacity settings, anyways. So, if you really have to use IE, well… go get a decent browser!
Maybe it’s only 95%…
Pöh, should be enough!