Gl0tchbl0K Buildbl0K#01 Gl0tchpatch/KiCad

circuit bending, Gl0tchBl0K, Gl0tchKons0le, Simon Says

I thought of a way of making circuit bending a Playstation2 a bit easier than having to solder 64+ tiny wires by hand, because I didn’t really want to have to do this again:

circuit bent PS2
circuit bending a PS2

I circuit bent the PS2 by soldering a field of switches directly to the data lines of the PS2’s graphical bus, which consists of 64 data lines, that each create unique and consistent glitches and a few adress lines that also produce interesting effects. combined, they work as an endless pallet of I took some time comparing the schematic with the circuit board to map out all the points that create an effect. It’s quite a lot of them:

PS2 GPU data line pinout. a1,a2 and a3 cause crashes!

Any of those can be connected to ground, to the 1,6V also present on the GPU, to each other, and also the Sound RAM, that I’ll write about later. Working with such a complexity is pretty challenging but well wort it.

I took some time during the lockdowns to actually sit down and learn how to use KiCad. I had a few PCB’s ordered just to try out if I could do it at all and it seemed to work.

Thinking of a way of using my new skills to simlify the process of connecting to the PS2’s graphic bus, I came up with the ide of creating a flexible circuit board that could be soldered directly to the vias on the GPU’s underside, organising their slightly chaotic placement on the circuit board into two flat cable connectors.

Introducing Gl0tchpatch PS2:

This would open up an easier way to experiments with all sorts of interfaces that could be created on the other side of the flat cables.

Gl0tchbl0K Sticker/Flyer!

Art, Gl0tchBl0K, Gl0tchKons0le

Uaaah, gestern hab ich bei eine ganze Menge Sticker bestellt, damit dann auch ein paar Leute von der Gl0tchbl0K-Nummer erfahren!

Üäääh, die werden so Geeeeiiiiilllll!

Und quasi en passant habe ich gelernt, dass Stanzmarken bei Stickern als dünne Linien in Cyan angelegt werden. Das ist ein Wissen, das ich in Zukunft sicher auch mal wieder werde gebrauchen können.

Und so werden es dann sogar 4 Sticker in einem, und sobald die Veranstaltung vorbei ist, kann man die drei Motive immer noch verwenden, um sie sich ins Poesiealbum zu kleben.

New Gl0tchKons0le Video!

Art, Gl0tchKons0le, video

I’m pretty amazed with the trippy quasi-feedbacks that can be achieved with a circuit bent PS2 with some games. this one is the first part of a trilogy, next one to be released next week, so stay tuned. Also, I am quite busy both working on some documentation about how to bend it and further down the line produce a „Gl0tchKit“, which will make bending a PS2 at least a little easier than it is at the moment. Which is not easy at all.So yeah. Enjoy